Upcoming meetings and events

Our Integrated Care Board (ICB) Board regularly meets in public.

Members of the public are welcome to observe these meetings held in public. Please register your interest by email: bswicb.communications@nhs.net

We will continue to publish agendas and papers for the ICB Board meetings on this website.

You are welcome to submit questions to the BSW ICB – these will be considered by the Board at its meeting, and we will publish responses together with the agenda and papers for the respective meeting.

Please email bswicb.communications@nhs.net with any questions a minimum of seven working days before the meeting date.

Read more about information on attending an ICB meeting held in public.

All Day

BSW ICB Board meeting – 16 November 2023

Dorothy House Hospice Care Winsley, Bradford on Avon

A Board meeting of the BSW Integrated Care Board (ICB) is to be held on Thursday 16 November 2023 at 10.00AM. This meeting in public will be held in person…