How to access Covid-19 treatment for high risk patients
People with long term health conditions may be eligible for coronovirus treatments and free lateral flow tests
If you are affected by the following:
- Down’s syndrome or other chromosomal disorders affecting the immune system
- Certain types of cancer
- Sickle cell disease
- Certain conditions affecting your blood
- Chronic kidney disease stage 4 or 5
- Severe liver disease
- Have had an organ transplant
- Certain autoimmune or inflammatory conditions
- A condition affecting your immune system
- A rare condition affecting the brain or nerves
You can collect Lateral flow tests from a participating community pharmacy.
This is a walk-in service where patients/patients’ representatives can collect one box of five Lateral flow tests from a participating community pharmacy, on confirmation that the patient is part of the cohort which is potentially eligible for COVID-19 treatments. The full list of eligible patients who are at risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19, and therefore are potentially eligible for COVID-19 treatments, can be found in NICE guidelines: Supporting information on risk factors for progression to severe COVID-19.
You can find out if a pharmacy is delivering this service by searching for your local pharmacies on the NHS pharmacy finder and checking under the list of ‘Treatments and services’ available.
Lateral flow tests are no longer available via GOV.UK or via 119.
You should take a Lateral flow test as soon as possible if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, even if your symptoms are mild. Only use a test if they have symptoms. If you test positive, call your GP, NHS 111 or hospital specialist as soon as possible. If you test negative, but still have symptoms of COVID-19, take a total of three Lateral flow tests over three consecutive days. If any of the tests are positive, stop testing and contact your GP, NHS111 or hospital specialist as soon as possible.