Improvements at Wiltshire GP practice recognised by healthcare inspectors
A Wiltshire GP practice has been rated as good by the Care Quality Commission.
Patford House Partnership was given the news after inspectors visited its three practice sites earlier this year.
While at Beversbrook Medical Centre, Sutton Benger Surgery and Patford House Surgery, the inspection team spoke with practice staff, observed day-to-day activity and reviewed patient records.
They found significant improvements had been made over the last 12 months and saw first-hand that staff were working in ways that kept patients safe and protected from avoidable harm.
As such, inspectors agreed to overturn the previous rating of inadequate, which had been given following a visit in May 2021.
Patford House Partnership now has an overall rating of good and has been credited with providing patients with good care that is not only safe, but also effective and well-led.
However, inspectors did find areas still in need of further work, and these will be addressed as part of the practices’ ongoing improvement journey.
Dr Simon Church, Senior GP Partner, said: “We are pleased the improvements of the last 12 months have been formally recognised by the healthcare regulator, and we hope our patients have noticed the changes, too.
“Even before our first CQC visit, following our merger, we knew improvements were necessary, and it has been a real team effort to drive these forward.
“There is more to do, and we are committed to resolving all remaining issues as quickly and as safely as we possibly can, so we can provide our registered patients with a safe, friendly and reliable GP service.”
Dr Andrew Girdher, CCG Clinical Chair, said: “Patford House Surgery has made a number of positive changes in recent months, all of which have helped the practice to improve on its previous CQC rating.
“We’re in regular contact with the team and are fully aware that while today’s announcement is good news, some areas still need addressing, which is why we will continue to provide support where it’s needed, as well as offer helpful challenges, so that we can be absolutely sure that patients are receiving the best possible service.”
In its report, the CQC praised the practice for overcoming staff shortages, learning from complaints, treating patients with kindness and adapting services in line with the latest Covid-19 safety measures.
Elsewhere, the report, which is available to read in full online, recommended that the practice update its website to ensure that staff contact information, as well as details of local support services, are up to date.
Staff have also been told to continue looking at ways in which access to care and treatment, both in person and in a virtual setting, can be improved.
For more information about the CQC report and the improvement work being carried out, visit