Information for patients ahead of upcoming bank holiday

Many NHS services in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire are due to be affected by the upcoming bank holiday scheduled for Monday 19 September.
Some GP practices and hospital outpatient clinics, as well as most community pharmacies, will be closed in honour of the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II, who died on Thursday 8 September.
Patients due to attend hospital or a GP practice on this day will be contacted directly if their appointment needs to be changed.
Covid-19 vaccinations will not be taking place on the day of the funeral, and those with a pre-booked appointment will be offered an alternative time and date.
People who take regular medication are advised to make sure they have enough medicine to cover the short period in which many places that normally dispense prescription items, such as pharmacies and supermarkets, will be closed.
As with any bank holiday, urgent and emergency care services, including NHS 111 online, which can offer tailored advice and information on a wide range of minor health conditions, will be available for people experiencing a genuine health or care emergency.
Non-urgent help will continue to be available from the pharmacy outlets staying open on Monday 19 September.
Opening times for those pharmacies open over the weekend and on Monday 19 September are available online.
People can locate their nearest pharmacy by using Find a Pharmacy on the NHS website.